Imperial County
IHSS Public Authority
2999 South 4th Street
El Centro, CA 92243
Ph. (760) 337-7722
Fax (760) 336-3971
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
What is Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)?
EVV is a federal law that requires electronic record of certain information about the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) and/or Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS) performed. Once EVV is implemented, providers will be required to include the following new information, in addition to the hours worked, when providers submit their timesheet:
Start Time: The time you began the first IHSS/WPCS service for you recipient that day.
End Time: The time you completed the last IHSS/WPCS service for you recipient that day, and,
Location: Where the services were performed that day, in the recipient’s home, the community (anywhere other than the recipient’s home) or both.
What this means to you as a Provider:
EVV will replace paper timesheets and you will be required to submit your timesheets one of the following ways:
Online using the Electronic Services Portal at: www.etimesheets.ihss.ca.gov
By Phone using the Telephone Timesheet System (TTS). To register for the IHSS TTS dial (833) 342-5388.
What this means for your Recipient:
EVV will not change the amount of service hours your recipient receives, or how those services are performed. EVV will replace the current paper timesheet process in Imperial County, and your recipient will be required to approve your timesheet one of the following ways:
Online use the existing Electronic Services Portal (ESP): www.etimesheets.ihss.ca.gov
By Phone using the Telephone Timesheet System (TTS). To register for the IHSS TTS dial (833) 342-5388.
NOTE: If you need help call the IHSS Service Desk at (866) 376-7066. Agents are available at the help desk Monday – Friday from 8am to 5pm.
Click here for informational videos