Imperial County
IHSS Public Authority
2999 South 4th Street
El Centro, CA 92243
Ph. (760) 337-7722
Fax (760) 336-3971
Advisory Comittee

Louis Lopez,

Dolores Noriega,

Vice President

Kamika Mitchell,

Secretary Clerk

Maria G. Zaragoza,

Marcos San Roman,
The governing board of the Imperial County IHSS Public Authority is the Imperial County Board of Supervisors. The Board of the Public Authority appoints members to the Advisory Committee comprised of eleven members, at least half of whom are current or former consumers of IHSS or other personal assistance services. The Board appoints qualified individuals as members of the Advisory Committee for a term of three (3) years.
The Advisory Committee provides ongoing input to the county and the Public Authority regarding administration of the Registry and other related program issues. The Advisory Committee also advocates for the people in our community who need IHSS services.
The Advisory Committee meets on the first Thursday of every other month, the location to be determined. For more information and when the next advisory committee meeting will take place, please contact Armando Rivera at (760) 335-3021.
Join the Imperial County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
Public Authority Advisory Committee
What is the Role of Advisory Committee Members?
The Advisory members role is to provide input to the Governing Board (Imperial County Board of Supervisors), the Imperial County IHSS Program and the IHSS Public Authority regarding program related issues and to advocate for the people in our community who receive IHSS services.
Who Are We Looking For?
Current or former consumers of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program and/or other personal assistance services.
How Can I Join?
The Imperial County Board of Supervisors appoint members to the Advisory Committee. We invite you to join us at one of our meetings or give us a call for more information IHSS Public Authority (760)335-3021