Imperial County
IHSS Public Authority
2999 South 4th Street
El Centro, CA 92243
Ph. (760) 337-7722
Fax (760) 336-3971
Provider Registry Removal Policy & Procedure​
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines and instructions to Public Authority team members for removing a Provider from the Registry.
The Public Authority has the right to remove a Consumer or Provider from the Registry. At no time will the Registry deny a Provider’s right to be hired by a Consumer, or a Consumer’s right to employ a Provider. The Registry is a “Privileged and Optional” referral list.
The Public Authority is committed to providing excellent service. The Public Authority reserves the right to develop and enforce reasonable rules and regulations regarding the conduct of the Providers listed on the Registry. The Public Authority is a mandated reporting agency and must report any suspected abuse to Adult Protective Services or the local law enforcement. In decisions relating to the removal from the Registry, the Registry will consider two levels of offenses, minor and major.
Minor Offenses
The Public Authority will remove a Provider from the Registry after two complaints of minor offenses that have been reported by one or more sources within a one-year period and have been deemed valid by Public Authority staff. The following is a list of causes for such action. Removal of a Provider from the Registry may be for reasons other than those mentioned below:
Not appearing for scheduled interviews without notice.
Being late for work without a reasonable cause.
Rudeness or inappropriate behavior toward a Consumer, a Consumer’s representative (e.g.: guardians or conservators) or other household member.
Refusal to do the authorized tasks.
Not performing requested authorized tasks during work hours.
Inadequate job performance.
Not returning IHSS related Consumer phone calls within a reasonable amount of time.
Failure to inform the Registry of any changes in work availability or changes in contact information (address and phone number).
Quitting Registry assignment without two weeks’ notice.
Not willing to cooperate with criminal background check or having a negative result from the criminal background check.
Major Offenses
The Public Authority will remove a Provider from the Registry after one complaint of a major offense that has been deemed valid by Public Authority staff. The following is a list of causes for such action. Removal of a Provider from the Registry may be for reasons other than those specifically mentioned below:
Fraudulent activity of any type including timesheets.
Subcontracting (arranging for someone else to work for you) of hours.
Any type of abuse. (Refer to the Adult Protective Services handout & an APS report will be made).
Theft at the Consumer’s family’s home. (An APS report will be made).
Neglect of a Consumer.
Dishonesty or misrepresentation related to job duties.
Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information relating to the Consumer.
Appearing intoxicated, being intoxicated or being under the influence or possession of illegal substance while working for the Consumer.
Asking the Consumer to supplement the allowable IHSS wage.
Absence from or leaving the job without notice.
Possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapons while on duty.
Conviction of a crime that indicates unfitness for the job.
Knowingly putting the Consumer in danger.
Being convicted or incarcerated for any crime that disqualifies you from being an IHSS provider pursuant to W&IC section 12305.87.
Please be aware that for certain offenses committed, the Registry staff may report, or advise the Consumer to contact local law enforcement or Adult Protective Services, or both, if the Consumer feels in danger or believes the law has been violated.